Camber Diverse Talent Pipeline Sprint

Activate systems of inclusive and equitable recruiting, hiring, and retention to support and engage diverse pools of talent. Watch the Webinars, conduct Group Discussions using the Meeting-in-a-Box and complete the Weekly Challenge.


As you proceed through the Diverse Talent Pipeline Learning Sprint, keep in mind not only your areas of strength but also your company’s areas of opportunity with talent who have been underrepresented in your workplace or in workplaces of the Outdoor Recreation Economy. You may be more advanced in your efforts to create an inclusive, equitable, and diverse workplace for Veterans but you may find areas of opportunity with people with disabilities, for example. Similarly, you may be further along in your journey with respect to Interviewing but not as far along in hiring & onboarding. 

Maximize the impact of the Diverse Talent Pipeline Learning Sprint by participating as a team, ideally working through a progression of each learning module, in order, together.  Each module can be completed in FOUR STEPS:


View the Webinar, which will provide:
– A video learning deep-dive
– Instructions on how to complete this week’s Challenge


Using your Meeting-in-a-Box discussion guide to explore your company’s current status and opportunities in each topic area.  The Meeting-in-a-Box discussion questions are best completed as a team. Links can also be accessed by individuals asynchronously.


Download and complete your weekly Challenge.


Submit the “Weekly Wrap-Up”  form to demonstrate your work with the Meeting-in-a-Box and Challenge.

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