
Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

By November 22, 2023No Comments

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

Posted On November 22, 2023

November is a time of reflection, gratitude, and a celebration of cultures that have shaped our nation’s rich tapestry. Native American heritage is woven into the very fabric of this land we all call home. It is a heritage marked by resilience, strength, and a deep connection to the natural world. These values resonate deeply with the mission of Camber Outdoors, as we work to create a more inclusive outdoor industry, one that welcomes individuals from all backgrounds, ethnicities, and walks of life.

For centuries, Native American communities have understood the importance of a harmonious relationship with the environment. They have been the stewards of the land, teaching us invaluable lessons about conservation and the profound connection between people and nature. As an organization dedicated to the outdoor industry, we recognize the debt of gratitude we owe to Native American cultures for their wisdom and leadership in preserving our natural world.

Inclusivity is a cornerstone of our work at Camber Outdoors, and it extends to honoring and respecting the Indigenous communities that have long been part of the outdoor landscape. We must acknowledge the historical injustices and land dispossession faced by Native Americans and actively work to create spaces where their voices are heard and their contributions are recognized.

This month, we encourage everyone to take a moment to learn about and appreciate the diverse cultures, traditions, and histories of Native Americans. It is an opportunity to celebrate their heritage, contributions, and their continued presence in our communities and the outdoor industry.

As we move forward, let’s remember by embracing the richness of Native American heritage and the contributions of Indigenous peoples, we move closer to realizing a vision of equity and respect for all.

At Camber Outdoors, we are committed to creating spaces where everyone feels welcome, where every perspective is valued, and where the voices of Native Americans and all marginalized communities are heard. Together, we can ensure that the outdoor industry reflects the beauty, strength, and diversity of our society.

As we celebrate Native American Heritage Month, let us not only reflect on the past but also look to the future with hope and determination. Together, we can make the outdoor industry a place where everyone finds their seat at the table and where the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion shine brightly.

Thank you for your support and for joining us on this journey towards a more inclusive and equitable outdoor industry.

With gratitude,  


Tiffany Smith

About Tiffany Smith