
Blowing Out Candles + Running My Race 

Posted On October 13, 2023

Dear Camber Community,

I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits. As September rolled in, I found myself in a month-long celebration of life and purpose, reflecting not just on my birthday on September 9th but on the entire journey that has brought me here. I’ve cherished moments shared with family and friends, deepening my bond with the outdoor world and the Camber community.

This year, I welcomed loved ones from near and far to join in the month-long celebration. We jogged through urban trials, marveled at a drone light show at a festival with my grandson, danced the night away with my daughter at the Beyonce concert and shared an unforgettable evening of dinner, dancing, and reminiscing with friends of 25+ years. These experiences have been drenched in warmth, love, and the pure joy of being outdoors.

In a personal moment of determination, I decided to embark on training for a 5K – a dream that ignited in my heart in 2009.  Life has a way of presenting opportunities when least expected, a testament to the power of embracing dreams, no matter when we choose to chase them.

Reflecting on these celebrations, my thoughts naturally turn to the inspiring work we do at Camber. Our commitment to a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive outdoor industry fills me with immense pride. It transcends age, race, and background, striving to make the outdoors a place for everyone. The journey towards inclusivity isn’t just a mission; it’s a personal and professional commitment. I am deeply honored to be part of a community that shares this vision.

Our board, Camber team, and stakeholders – Partners, Sponsors + Ambassadors -have remained steadfast in their dedication. Together, we’ve made remarkable progress toward a more inclusive outdoor community. We’ve opened doors, shattered barriers, and inspired countless individuals from underrepresented backgrounds to embrace the outdoors.

However, our journey is far from over. While we’ve made strides, there is much work ahead. Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion must continue to grow stronger. We must seize every opportunity to amplify underrepresented voices, uplift emerging leaders, and create a space where everyone feels welcome and valued.

As I blew out my birthday candles, I did so with gratitude and hope. I’m proud of our progress and excited about the future we’re building together. Let’s keep pushing forward, breaking down barriers, and creating a brighter, more inclusive outdoor industry.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Here’s to many more years of growth, progress, and adventure – both in the outdoors and in our mission to make it a place for all.

With love,



Tina Jordan

About Tina Jordan